(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
Pukapuka: fieldspecimen+photo, 2/2004, G.McCormack with ID as Birgus latro. |
(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
(voucher not recorded) |
Atiu: field-specimen, College collection, 10/2000, ID GMcC. |
(voucher not recorded) |
Rarotonga: fieldspecimen, s.Muri home of Gwen Welland, Oct/2005, dead, blue, 72mmTL (~30 years old), G.McCormack with ID as Birgus latro. |
(voucher not recorded) |
Key: |
Present No Data Absent |
Approx. Scale: |
Islands: |
enlarged approx. 4x |
Island |
Status |
Penrhyn Tongareva |
P |
Kaveu |
Rakahanga |
P |
Manihiki |
P |
Unga Koveu |
Pukapuka |
+++ |
Kaveu |
Nassau |
P |
?1 |
Suwarrow |
P |
Palmerston |
P |
?1 |
Aitutaki |
+ |
Unga Kaveu |
Manuae |
Miti‘āro |
P |
Ūngākave‘u / Toromimi < Ūngākave‘u |
‘Ātiu |
^P |
Unga Kaveu |
Takūtea |
P |
Ma‘uke |
P |
Toromimi < Unga Kaveu / Unga |
Rarotonga |
+ |
Kaveu / Unga ‘Onu < Kaveu |
Mangaia |
P |
Unga Puku‘ara |
Key to Symbols
blank |
no data |
- |
absent |
L |
localised |
X |
extinct 'naturally' |
W |
widespread |
XQi |
quarantine intercepted |
R |
recent |
XQe |
eradicated |
? |
query preceding category |
P |
present |
T? |
taxonomic query |
S |
seasonal |
nn |
present, said to have no name |
O |
occasional |
?1 |
present, name not investigated |
++++ |
very common |
?2 |
presence not verified, no name recorded |
+++ |
common |
N/A |
absent, name not expected |
++ |
uncommon |
+ |
rare |
Cook Islands islands: RR =Rarotonga, MG = Mangaia, AT =‘Ātiu, MK=Ma‘uke, MT=Miti‘āro, AK=Aitutaki, PL=Palmerston, PN=Penrhyn, MN=Manuae, TK=Takūtea, TN=Tongareva (TS=Tongaleva Spoken, TW=Tongareva Written, they say "el" but write "r"), MH=Manihiki, RK=Rakahanga, PK=Pukapuka, NS=Nassau, SW=Suwarrow. After a Polynesian name: ^=orthography query.
Countries and other: FIJ=Fiji, WT=Wallis & Futuna, SAM=Samoa, TON=Tonga, NIU=Niue, CK=Cook Islands, CKM=Cook Islands Māori, FP=French Polynesia, AUS=Australs, SOC=Societies, TAH=Tahiti, TUA=Tuamotus, MQS=Marquesas, MNG=Mangareva, PIT=Pitcain group, EAS=Easter Island, HAW=Hawai‘i, NZ=New Zealand, NZM=New Zealand Māori |