Enlarged Image of 'Fregata minor'

Fregata minor

Great Frigatebird

Kōta‘a Nui*

Key: Present No Data Absent
Approx. Scale:
Islands: enlarged approx. 4x
Island Status
Penrhyn Tongareva -?  Kōtaha Māli / Kōtaha Talakula 
Manihiki Kōtaha Tarakura / Māri 
Pukapuka +Vnb  Kotawa / Uyi [Kolokolo Kula] / Umalawa [f] / Ulu yina [juv] 
Nassau Kotawa / Uyi [Kolokolo Kula] / Umalawa [f] / Ulu yina [juv] 
Palmerston Frigate / Kōtaha 
Aitutaki Kōta‘a 
Miti‘āro Kōta‘a 
‘Ātiu Kōta‘a 
Ma‘uke Kōta‘a 
Rarotonga ++V  Kōta‘a 
Mangaia Kōta‘a 
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No Data Absent
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